
Posts Tagged ‘Sooner or Later’

Here is the link to my vision for a Veronica Mars movie. Just a little caveat before you read on: This little script is far from perfect, but I still LoVe it. I had never even read a script before I started writing this and it was a learn as you go kind of experience. As I’m more a novel writer I found myself often falling into novel-writing mode rather than staying in script writing mode. I fixed some of my transgressions, but some may still be there. Also, learning script writing is quite a process and fun though it was, it was a lot to try to process and therefore formatting may not be up to par, but I did my best with it for a first time run. Okay, so, all that to say that this script is not perfection, but it’s my baby and I LoVe it! Enjoy and let me know what you think.


Sooner or Later


Disclaimer: Sadly, I don’t own Veronica Mars and no copyright infringement is intended in writing this scrip. I only own the story and original characters I created. The characters from the series were fabulously created by Rob Thomas and are owned by WB.

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